

Studying in Denmark and Sweden has not only introduced me to the concept of hygge but has also instilled in me a profound desire to enrich my surroundings with beauty and simplicity. I believe that my most effective tool for achieving this is through design – a design that embodies honesty, remains unobtrusive, and primarily serves people. My commitment extends beyond my work; it encompasses my entire life. I like silence, mountains, stars, mornings, cottages, acts of kindness, family, truth, but also imperfections and failures, as they are an integral part of who I am and profoundly shape my perspective on the world. So, if you can’t find me at the computer or in the kitchen, you’ll likely find me on a hill, critically examining the beauty and flaws that we collectively create and preserve.



2010-2018 • Gymnasium, Javorová, Spišská Nová Ves (Slovakia)

2018 – 2020 • KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (Denmark) – AP in Multimedia Design and Communication

2019 – 2020 • University of Tomáš Baťa in Zlín (Czech Republic) – Erasmus+

2020 – 2022 • KEA – Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (Denmark) – Bachelor in Web Development

2021 – 2021 • FH Salzburg (Austria) – Erasmus+

2022 – 2023 • Jönköping University (Sweeden) – Master in User Experience Design


February 2020 – April 2020 • Malina Studio – Web and Brand Design

August 2021 – June 2023 • ui42 – UI/UX Design

October 2021 – April 2023 • Programko – Graphic Design and Web Development teaching

Present • Freelance – Brand, UI/UX design
